Master Courses

The Department of Chemistry offers the following master courses:

Winter term 2024/25:

  • Advanced Element-Organic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. M. Unterlass, Prof. Dr. R. Winter), IC or E
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. T. Gaich, Prof. Dr. V. Wittmann), OC or E
  • Advanced Physical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. A. Zumbusch), PC or E
  • Breakthroughs in natural sciences exemplified by granted Nobel prizes (Prof. Dr. M. Kovermann), E - only lecture, 3 Credits, no practical course
  • Biocatalysis – From Chemical logic to modern enzymology (Prof. Dr. L. Barra, Dr. D. Funck), OC or E
  • Biophysical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. K. Hauser), PC or E
  • Chemistry of construction of materials (Dr. C. Ruiz Agudo), IC or E
  • Dispersion Colloids in Research and Industry (Prof. Dr. A. Wittemann), PC or E
  • Gene Expression and Replication (Dr. K. Betz / Dr. D. Funck), OC or E
  • Industrial Chemistry and Renewable Resources (Prof. Dr. S. Mecking, Dr. I. Göttker), IC or E
  • Organometallic Chemistry in the synthesis of complex molecules (Prof. T. Gaich) OC oder WF

Summer term 2024:

  • Biopolymer Chemistry (Nucleic Acids, Carbohydrates, Proteins) - (Prof. Dr. A. Marx, Prof. Dr. V. Wittmann), OC or E
  • Computational Chemistry (Prof. Dr. C. Peter), PC or E
  • High-resolution NMR spectroscopy directed to biological and biophysical applications (Prof. Dr. M. Kovermann), PC or E
  • Molecular Spectroscopy (Prof. Dr. A. Zumbusch), PC or E
  • Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials (Prof. Dr. S. Mecking, Dr. I. Göttker), IC or E
  • Synthesis of natural products and drugs (Prof. Dr. T. Gaich), OC or E

IC Inorganic Chemistry, OC Organic Chemistry, PC Physical Chemistry, E Elective

The courses are offered as 6 or 12 credit option:
6 credit option lecture,
12 credit option lecture and practical course.