Welcome to the
Gaich Research Group

Our group is dedicated to the total synthesis of natural products with an unique and complex molecular architecture. In our synthetic planning, nature serves as a constant source of inspiration, owing to the elegance by which it assembles the most intricate and functional structures. To us, elegance in synthetic terms is best reflected by a domino reaction sequence. Starting from a rather simple molecular intermediate, an avalanche of bond-forming events is triggered. It results in the construction of a highly complex molecular architecture – ideally the natural product itself.

Image source: F. Schneider, K. Samarin, S. Zanella, T. Gaich, Science 2020, 367, 676-681.

Total Synthesis

Image sources: picture apocynacea rauvolfia: C. Loddiges & sons, Vol. 4, 1820, plate 339, Hand-colored engraving; picture stemona: Illustration by J. N. Fitch (dated 1927), Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, Vol. 118 [ser. 3:v.48], 1892.

Defense Yevhenii -
May 2023

The Gaich Group -
May 2022

Current news



Fachbereichsvortrag 2024

Come and join Tanja's presentation today on "Naturally synthetic - case studies in total synthesis"! The talk takes place in R611 @ 5pm followed by a little get-together with snacks and drinks.

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