Current news



Neither liquid nor solid

Discovery of liquid glass sheds light on the old scientific problem of the glass transition: An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Konstanz has uncovered a new state of matter, liquid glass, with previously unknown structural elements – new insights into the nature of glass and its transitions.

Akademische Feierstunde

Am 8. Dezember fand die Akademische Feierstunde des Fachbereichs Chemie statt. Die VEUK-Preise für die besten Bachelorabsolventen/-innen gingen an:
- Lukas Dobler: Nanoscience, B.Sc.
- Steffen Iberl: Chemie, B.Sc.
- Tatjana List: Life Science, B.Sc.
- Robin Wagner: Chemie Lehramt, B.Ed.
Mit den Ehrenpreis für ihr besonderes Engagement für den FB Chemie wurde unsere Fachbereichsreferentin Dr. Anja Zitt ausgezeichnet.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!

ERC Consolidator Grant for Konstanz chemist

The European Research Council awards a Consolidator Grant to Professor Tanja Gaich from the University of Konstanz for a project on the synthesis of highly complex molecules from the taxane family through structural deconvolution. Funding is provided for the further development and testing of a new strategy for the synthesis of natural substances that could not previously be produced in the laboratory.