Chemical store

The chemical store provides the natural science departments with chemicals. 

Standarised chemicals are available at any time and can be picked up at the coutner for chemicals. To check the updated product list please log in and see link: Lager-Listen. For orders complete form Chemikalienlager-Entnahmeschein. Bring it directly to the counter in L 5 or send it by email to .

In case some chemicals are not on stock, please log in and complete online order form Sonderbestellung Chemikalien. If you have any question on how to complete the form, please see the instruction (in German). These chemicals usually can be handed out to the user within two days after receipt of the order. Please consider that the delivery time depends on the supplier and in some cases it can take up to one week until the items are available. 

In case of difficulties with the new online order form you can exceptionally use the old pdf form Chemikalien-Sonderbestellung (alt)

The chemical store is on L5 and Uwe Kunze, Armin Schauren and Oliver Bahm are your contact persons. 

If you have any question, feel free to ask them. 
Phone: 2701

Opening hours of the chemical store:
Mo - Fr    10 am – 12 am
Mo - Thu  2 pm - 3:30  pm
Fr              2 pm - 3 pm